Why is Yappy one of the most influential characters in Ville Stories.

As blacks were about to receive their forty acres, and a mule. A unprecedented assassination occurred overturning all the hopes, and dreams of the oppressed.

The KKK had taken over the White House, and so began a continual onslaught of cross burning and hanging.

As more attacks occurred, there was one man who came up with an idea to repel the KKK. His name was Yappy, known for his endless talk about how his inventions were the best.

As the KKK arrived to disturb the blacks in line at the Freedman’s Bureau, little did they know, Yappy prepared a way to ambush them instead of them ambushing the blacks.

Using a homemade air compressor, and a attachable water hose, Yappy made a nail gun that released nails when he pressed a button.

Yappy was able to successfully use the invention, and the KKK ran back to their masters crying because their butts had nails stuck in them.


Yappy was a national hero because he used his intellect to help people in need.